Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump, Great things have to be done, for which I admire you. I respect the role as king of the prophecy of God you are willing to play with utmost respect. Living in the Netherlands I can see the need for your actions in a divided USA very clear. Hillary came close with Saudi Arabia to unleash WW3 and half of the population still is brainwashed to follow Lucifer. But it’s all a matter of letting the truth out, time will tell, and you play chess very well. In Europe we have the same, and our controlling system is breaking down too fortunately, this is why I regard you as a leader, not only of the USA, but the world. We still have the problem of fake money, the federal reserve, debt based systems, and since Russia with BRICKS outsmarted the USA in owning physical gold, building money upon a Gold standard, they, no thanks to the NWO agenda, gave up this to be a future standard for the USA, I see you are struggling with and there I step in, that is why I have sent you this letter. I’ve noticed your interest in Crypto Currency and what I believe had talks with Ripple. The importance of this letter is to warn you about ‘classical’ Crypto Currency systems and especially XRP, which I hope to be able to clarify without falling in too much detail; we can always discuss everything in the future. The fundamental principle of a Crypto System is that everything created in a crypto-world is protected by a private key, who owns this key, has the power over that which he has created. To protect this two methods are used, first you sign the data so everybody can verify it is yours, and since you only have the key, nobody can steal it, This information is stored in a ledger and the ledger is protected by a mathematical algorithm called hashing with the property that changing one bit of data will result in a completely different hash. These blocks are chained together where the hash of the previous block is present in the next block, ensuring the whole chain to be valid. So far, so good, even perfect. Now the fun begins because when any transaction (secured communication of data) is made, everybody that has a copy of the ledger has to agree on the next block to be added to the ledger. This can be done in any way our imagination allows us to. When using a centralized system, this problem is easily solved, controlling the ledger, controlling the private keys and give them out is how the bank system currently works. The power is not of the people but in control of the banking system. I believe that people who earned a belonging for hard work and contribution to society and great thinking should be able to own their property, and I believe the party who disagrees fall into a mob thief’s category. Crypto has the power to give all belonging back to the people. To achieve this, the control of the ledger must be given in hands of the people, which sounds great in theory but is not functioning properly in current systems. We decentralize the ledger and anybody on earth can hold their own copy of the ledger, so no controlling party larger than half of the population participating can have power. The main problem that arises here is the chaos of distributed transactions that want to be added to the ledger. In a distributed system there is a time-difference caused by delays in communication so the whole system gets desynced very quickly, resulting in a variety of competing ledgers. The first and far most used solution to this was introducing mining-blocks A miner collects a set of transactions in a block, which has a hashed value based on its content. The goal was to create a mathematical problem that would delay time, so the chance of two blocks competing to be added to the ledger would decrease dramatically. The game is to add a nonce to the data, therefore changing the hash in such a way the hash starts with a number of given zero’s, called the difficulty. By adjusting the difficulty the time in between solved blocks can be controlled where the total speed of all miners increases or decreases. I think it’s unbelievable we spend 75 TWh/year on calculating useless SHA256 hashes to find zeros. When I first studied this I thought that if I found another solution that would use this energy for useful purposes, not turning miners in control because they will control which transactions will end up in mined block and transactions will get more and more expensive in fees. A truly distributed design, that has the potential to actually create the future of a working money system is the true answer, where we reuse the power of mining for sensible causes and money can be responded very quickly, 24/7. And I succeeded; a working network is online running right now. The current XRP system works on controlled nodes, controlled miners, controlled trades in funds giving out certificates for to be newly created XRP, and owned by the banking system. It’s the crypto currency of the NWO and I won’t buy it! The key was inventing a system which worked on the base of a voting system, which in a Cartesian system seems impossible. John Conway however discovered a system called cellular neural networks, which works quite differently from the AI you see implemented all over right now. The base of the thought is that every cell has its own bias, but determines its new state of being upon measuring its environment. On this property a voting system could be made. When I first tried it I still had my doubts so I decided to test it on an impossible situation in a simulation. Ten different views and everybody were connected to 10% of the whole network. I was blown away that it took only five rounds to have a consensus on the vote on the whole network. I shouted out: ”Eureka!”, and began building the crypto system around it after I found the most stable parameters the proof on cellular networks given by Alan Turing allowed me to. This system is never 100% but 99,9999..% correct, the only reason I can give a working solution, these solutions are proven to be exponentially faster than mathematical solutions which determine 100% accuracy . Spaceships work on such systems, also called fuzzy logic. Now I was able to keep a consensus on the whole network by creating a system based upon a clock, a node will propose a vote, this vote gets distributed, a voting takes place, and whatever transaction wins is next to be in the ledger. Everybody agrees so everybody has the same ledger. When a node is desynced it can fall back to a given point in time where it was still synced and request addition ledger data, avoiding split ups in the network core. The economics behind it I’ve reduced to the absolute basic core. The idea is to create a limited amount (5 million) so the scarcity is compelling a demand, and to raise this supply by 1.1 million a year, which is given to the ones protecting the distributed system. This system will educe a strong growth and development in the beginning ending in a stable system with a minimum decreasing inflation, ending up in a very stable society. Since debt is taken out as a factor also this means of taking power is prohibited by design. My believe this can be the money of the future, because I also created an ECO-system that is very simple for any whiz kid to implement, and we can use actual physical devices to pay in stores with for example just your fingerprint, which is cheap to build. I hope you are interested in my idea and I love to hear back from you, good luck to your family and yourself and I wish you very much success on changing the future. Yours truly, Michel Sake Johannes Kuipers Seringenhof 9 9713SB Groningen The Netherlands Email: Tel: +31 50 750 6420 Factorial Coin (FCC):